
Useful contact information:

Utilizing this email will ensure the appropriate contact responds to your inquiry. It also ensures coverage when individuals are away from the office.


Proposal submission is a collaborative process involving the Principal Investigator(s), the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL), the Business Office, and the Office of Research Administration and Advancement (ORAA). Significant additional information and guidelines may be found on ORAA's website.

Please keep in mind that everyone wants you to be successful with your proposal submissions and can assist you in many ways. Do not hesitate to call the Business Office if you have any questions at all.

Before starting to prepare a proposal, read the RFP thoroughly to ensure that you are preparing your proposal in accordance with the sponsor's requirements. We would not like to lose a potential grant because of a technicality such as an incorrect font or page formatting or for having too many pages. It has happened. Also, be sure to have all of the information required by UMCES in your proposal.

Unless otherwise authorized, all pre-proposals and proposals need approval from and are submitted by the UMCES Office of Research Administration and Advancement (ORAA)

Proposals can be submitted in response to an open request for proposals (RFP) or to an invited call. Some agencies require a pre-proposal, and if the pre-proposal requires any budgetary information, this too must be routed through ORAA.

Proposal submission is easiest if you follow the following steps:

Notice of Intent to Submit and Reference Numbers

Submission Deadlines

Information for Cover Pages

Preparing Budgets

Subcontracts and Consultants

Indirect Costs (Overhead)

Matching Funds and Cost Sharing

UMCES Submission Procedures and CAYUSE