Submission Procedures and Cayuse
All proposals are routed through a web-interface called Cayuse. If you do not have credentials for Cayuse please contact Theresa Holloway.
The proposal submission process is initiated by the Business Office and you will be notified by Cayuse by email when the system is ready for you to upload your proposal information.
Cayuse routes the proposal for approval by all Principal Investigator(s), the Business Office(s), Laboratory Director(s), ORAA, President of UMCES, and, if over one million dollars, Chancellor of the University System of Maryland, even if the agency does not require such endorsements. If everything goes smoothly, routing can take 2-3 days for proposals that are handled in house, but longer if they require the Chancellor’s endorsement.
Please notify the Business Office as early as possible to ensure that your proposal proceeds through the Cayuse routing process as smoothly as possible. This applies to all pre-proposals, proposals, proposal revisions, etc., basically any time you are providing budgets in any format to a potential sponsor.
Pre-proposals, proposals, and budgets may be retracted by UMCES if you send them directly to a granting agency without prior internal review and approval.