Vehicle Reservations

Current List of CBL Rental Vehicles:

2013  Silverado SG28461

2017 Silverado 03079SG

2017 Caravan 02825SG

2017 Chevy Volt 02824SG (use of the Volt requires additional use training)

2017 Ford Focus 03095SG

Vehicle Rental Availability Calendar

CBL offers a convenient Google calendar that displays all current vehicle reservations (See below). Please visit the calendar before requesting your vehicle. If no vehicles are available, and you are in need of one, please email Renee Arnold at for additional assistance.

To add the vehicle reservation calendar to your Google calendars, follow these instructions: 

In google calendar on the left in the "Other Calendars" section, hit '+' to add a new calendar, then select the option "From URL" and in the URL field cut/paste the following:

This will add the calendar to your list of "Other Calendars". 

Vehicle Rentals

CBL offers vehicle rentals to faculty, staff, students, interns, and volunteers who are associated with UMCES and have completed the required vehicle use training.  The vehicles are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and may be reserved through the reservation system found at MyCBL on the UMCES website.

Rates & Charges

Vehicle rental rates are $40 per day for sedans and $60 per day for trucks/vans.  $.49 per mile is charged for all miles during each use.  Vehicle rates are only available for full day.  Vehicles are sent out with a full tank of gas and drivers are provided with a fuel card.  Vehicles should be returned with a full tank of gas.  Vehicles returned unfueled will be charged the fuel cost plus a $25 service fee.  You will receive a confirmation email via SchoolDude when your reservation is confirmed.

Pick Up / Drop Off

Please pick up keys and the fuel card from Beaven Hall.  Lance's office hours are from 8 - 4 p.m. daily. Reservation packets labeled with your name will be in the pick-up slot outside of Lance’s office door.  Vehicles can be picked up at Maintenance or in the Truitt/Beaven parking lot.  Keys/cards are to be returned to the dropbox on Lance’s door as soon as you return to campus.

All employees have access to the main campus buildings at all times (this includes Beaven) so you can pick up / drop off keys at any time.  Additionally, the maintenance gate is accessible via your ID badge for picking up / returning vehicles.

Need to cancel?  Reservations can be cancelled by emailing Lance or Stacy

Please be aware that spring and summer are extremely busy.  Please keep/reserve the vehicle for only as long as needed so that we can do our best to meet the needs of everyone.

Vehicle Policies and Procedures

Driving Rules for UMCES Vehicles

 By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the policy regarding the rules for drivers of UMCES vehicles.  I am also aware that willful disregard of these rules will be considered just cause for disciplinary action.


____________________________________________         Date _____________

Printed Name of Employee                                                            




Signature of Employee