CBL/UMCES Community Events
Please subscribe to the CBL Events Calendar through your UMCES Gmail account by searching for cbleventscalendar@umces.edu or by clicking this link.
CBL distinguished scholar seminar series- lectures from visiting scholars
Most Wednesdays during the academic year at 3:30 pm in BFL 1101
For students/FRAs- Lunch with lecturers around noon
CBL Friday Informal Lunch Lectures- student research presentations and professional development seminars
Many Fridays during the school year at noon in BFL 1101
Outreach Events
CBL Open House- CBL welcomes community members into the lab
Typically held in September
Bernie Fowler Patuxent River Wade-In - Annually on 3rd Saturday June
Check Jefferson Patterson Park for more detail
Patuxent River Appreciation Day - October
If interested in volunteering, email CBL-Outreach@umces.edu
US Oyster Festival (Option to volunteer)- October
If interested in volunteering, email CBL-Outreach@umces.edu
STEM-ING (in April)
If interested in volunteering, email CBL-Outreach@umces.edu
Calvert and St. Mary's county science fair judging - typically spring
If interested in volunteering, email CBL-Outreach@umces.edu