
(GRA or Other)

Graduate Student

Graduate Students can be recruited to UMCES in several ways. It is the responsibility of all faculty to inform the HRC of any students that they advise whether they are located on or off campus. Faculty must inform the HRC of defense dates for any students and any subsequent collaboration with the student after defending (whether a paid or non-paid position). Notice is required for any students transferring to another campus (permanently or temporarily). It is crucial that notification be given to the HRC so benefits can be transferred in the appropriate time frame to avoid any gaps in insurance coverage. The HRC must also be notified of students moving to temporary TA positions in College Park so benefits can be coordinated appropriately.

Students may come to campus through the following processes:

  • Funded through internal fellowships (i.e. President’s fellowship, Solomons House Graduate Research Fellowship - usually for one year with potential for 1 year extension) – appointed as GRA
  • Funded through external fellowships (i.e. from UMCP or foundation) – appointed as volunteer Graduate Student and must complete volunteer form
  • Funded through individual CBL faculty grant funding
  • Funded by another campus or outside source (Sea Grant) but located at CBL

**GRA’s are entitled to health benefits only. Tuition is provided for all GRAs.


These are students that are recruited by faculty to conduct research as a part of a graduate degree. They can be supported externally or through research grants awarded to faculty. If supported on a research grant, the student is a Graduate Research Assistant. All others must be registered with HRC regardless of appointment

Some students may be hired before the beginning of the fall semester as hourly employees for the summer. It is the responsibility of faculty to provide adequate notice to the HRC of the early start date of any such students so they can be processed as an hourly appointment. At the beginning of the semester, the student’s funding can be modified and be converted to GRA status.

**GRA Student ID’s can only be obtained by the STUDENT through College Park’s Registrar’s Office.

Salaries for all GRAs are fixed and can be found in the attached GRA Stipend table. If a student is paid through UMCES, UMCES stipends are used regardless of any previous salaries earned on another campus. If a GRA is transferring to UMCES from another USM institution where GRA salaries are higher than the salaries at UMCES, the faculty/supervisor should advise the student that their salary will decrease.

Student Status

Given the variable nature of GRA positions, it is important the faculty/supervisors provide detailed information about the student’s current and future status on campus. Details should be provided in the email from faculty stating EXACTLY what the student will be doing once they have defended.

I. Determine status of student after defending on campus. It is crucial to inform the HRC whether the student will:

a. Continue as a student on campus (paid or non-paid) to continue thesis work. A volunteer form is needed if the student is staying on campus. Will be transferring to another campus (as a TA or other position) for a temporary appointment and will be returning. A volunteer form is needed if the student is staying on campus. Will be moving from a Fellowship to private funding to continue studies or if continuing to a PhD study program. A volunteer form is needed if the student is staying on campus. Will be working at another campus but under the guidance of CBL faculty

b. Any other scenario

Students Transferring to another Agency

Any employees or students transferring to another USM institution will need to have their benefits transferred to the new institution to ensure continual coverage. Scan the basic personnel information form, W4 and I9 as well as current benefit coverage to the new institution and submit the Transfer of Benefits form to the Benefits office at least 2 weeks in advance (or as soon as possible to allow time for processing). Make sure that the HR department of the new institution has selected “Transfer from BOR Institution” on their new appointment to ensure that all benefits and W-4 information transfers with the departing employee. It is crucial that the HRC is notified as soon as possible when a student is transferring to another institution to ensure continuity of benefits. The processing time for transferring coverage can take two weeks or more so notify the HRC as soon as you know when an employee is transferring to another USM institution.

****This information is required to ensure that student continues to receive health benefits (if necessary), maintains email, remain visible on website and to determine whether they remain on CBL’s payroll.

If a GRA is transitioning from GRA status to an unpaid status, they must complete volunteer forms to be placed on file for as long as they are remaining on campus.