Contingent I

Contingent Contract I

Job postings are not required to fill these positions.

Contingent Contract I employees are generally individuals that are hired for short-term employment. A contract must be created for each appointment and cannot exceed a six month term. If an employee is to remain an hourly part-time employee after the original 6 month term, a Contingent Contract can be renewed for additional 6 month time periods. If an employee is a Contingent Contractual I employee and works full time for two consecutive 6 months contracts, they must either have a break in employment or be converted to a Contingent Contract II classification.

Contingent I Employees:

Contingent I employees are considered non-exempt employees.

Under this category, they are:

  1. Able to obtain benefits at full cost (non-subsidized) if working under 30 hours per week or obtain benefits at the subsidized rate if working 30 hours or more
  2. Are not eligible for state retirement
  3. Do not get added to the website (unless on long-term assignment)
  4. Will not be assigned an email address (unless on long-term assignment)
  5. Will not receive any keys
  6. Will not receive a University ID
  7. Do not accrue leave