CBL Work Vests

CBL Work Vests

1)  Work vests are to be worn routinely by everyone undertaking field work.  Work vests are available in two sizes (S/M and L/XL).   Stacy has a supply and many PIs have already picked up a supply for their lab.

This personal safety measure only works if everyone wears them.  It does not work if only a few wear them, particularly if the few that do wear them are CBL researchers from traditionally under-represented communities.

The work vests were chosen because they can be worn over winter clothing (for those rare days we experience winter) and over summer clothing.  

2) There are a few exceptions to the need to wear a work vest when undertaking field work:

a)  if wearing a work vest would itself create a safety hazard.  For example, I could envision a few circumstances in which wearing a work vest would create an entanglement hazard.  But I point out that most construction crews wear these routinely and do so in many similar circumstances to the work we do in the field.

b)  If you are wearing other safety gear that is required - such as the requirement to wear a red/orange work vest / PFD on the Rachel Carson.  This exception does not apply to those working in small boats that are wearing inflatable PFDs that are not clearly marked with the vessel name.   For those groups that have orange Mustang's or similar winter float coats and suits, I am happy to have the CBL crab logo stenciled on your field gear

3) It is the PIs responsibility to make sure these guidelines are followed and that work vests are made available to the researchers in their labs.

4) It is the PIs responsibility to provide other required safety equipment as necessary, including lab coats, work boots, foul weather gear etc.   Some PIs chose to charge such safety equipment to grants. Such charges are allowable and allocable.